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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » RainCatcher Fundraiser with Team Beachbody

How cool is this...the company I am apart of Team Beachbody, just kicked off a fundraising activity to put more water into the people of Africa's hands. Its called Rain Catchers.

So $10 of drinking water goes to Africa for every person that watches this presentation and comments below that they watched it. If I can get 25 people to watch that = $250 in clean water for Africa. Do the math...that could be extremely huge in aiding those in Africa. Click Link below to view the Video.

See more of what Team Beachbody has done with Rain Catcher here:
I look forward to your comments, and for your posts that you have viewed the video.


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