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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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Have you ever been somewhere, out to eat, sitting in a park, on the golf course...where ever, and had a moment that you asked yourself, "Why not me?"

I have embarked on a journey recently, a journey that has begun to transform my life, and the lifes of other great friends, family, and new acquaintances.  Part of this journey really started back in middle of 2009, when I was evaluating my life, my family and the direction we were heading.

To some it may have looked like we had everything, I had accomplished a childhood goal, I now fly a 18 million dollar aircraft, and I have a position within my area of study....a house, a couple cars, a much more, but that July of 2009 I asked myself, do I really have everything, or am I giving everything?  That year I embarked on a journey that hasn't stopped, and it began to teach me, mold me, and develop me into a leader, a person of focus, discipline and destined for greatness.

I found out during the course of about the next 18 months what I truly could do if I set my mind to it....I could create an additional stream of income....funny thing pulled me away from my family to an extent that finally became unacceptable to my wife and I as well as my kiddos.  So I went back to the drawing board....I evaluated many other companies, I had a strong pull towards this one called Team Beachbody.  Most of you have never heard of it...and most probably never will unfortunately, but those who do, you will begin to say, "WHY NOT ME".  You will want what Beachbody can put into your life.  You all want fitness, you all want nutrition, and you all want to make more income.  Combine those all together and you get Team Beachbody, a proven business system that was designed to help you earn extra income and help others lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Let's End the Trend® of obesity together!  Why not you?  Why not now?  If this is what you are looking for then lets join together in this fight, lets inspire others to do a bit more, and say to ourselves, WHY NOT ME?  Why not have the options to take a vacation when you want.  Why not pay off your house in 5 years instead of the 30 you started with.  Really, why not you having better health, more freedom, and the ability to serve others in such a capacity that you really will change their life forever.  This is our mission, this is my mission, I will help you get there.

If you want more information, select me to be your coach by clicking the button below, its free, and could just be the right kick to help you reach your fitness goals.

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