How are you able to grow in your business, in life in anything you want to excel in if you keep searching, hoping, crossing your fingers that someone will find your information and want to get connected with you and your business?
It's easy to get caught up with the "slam it out there" message with your business, but in reality, it doesn't work.
What DOES work with growing your business is the relationship, trust, and down to earth human approach. Be interested in others, rather than taking the 6 year old approach of "look what I can do", "look what I know", "look how awesome I am."
3 TIPS on how to effectively build a relationship with your followers:
2. BE A GIVER NOT A TAKER! - Posting about what you do, what you sell, and how amazing you are speaks only to one person, your ego and your pocket. Being consistent in your posts but not providing helpful content that creates conversation and interest in others doesn't create a following. It actually repels people, you become like white noise. Take a step back every so often and see if your posts are something you as a "customer" would gravitate towards. It's easy to keep falling back into old habit, so do this review often.
3. BE REAL, BE HUMAN, BE YOU! - if you want to gain your reader's trust and following, acknowledging that you have lessons learned, struggles, and life experiences that you want to share, they will connect with you. Being perfect, a know it all, and just a resource of telling people what they should do creates a different perception of who you are and what you represent. Most of the time, it's a perception that you are self serving. Focus on being helpful, giving, and ask for feedback, response, and conversation to a topic of interest.
Thanks for this great article Christine Dwyer shared like a true leader!
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