Had an amazing day. Accomplished many tasks at the J.O.B., should be beginning to train a new person this next week, I expect that this will give me added incentive to focus very intently with my business, so that in the next 6-8 months I can pass the torch, and work for myself.
I also had a great evening with the kids and my wonderful wife, and then was able to attend an amazing webinar that was hosted by Practical Social Media what an amazing guy Steven MacDonald imparted a lot of information, if you haven't looked at the above site I suggest you visit the link check what they have to show and also what they have to say about the trends of places like Facebook, and Twitter the internet in general...its staggering what is going on currently. Once they open up your eyes to the staggering facts, they begin to teach you how to harness the power of them and google...and youtube to gain momentum in your business. I'm so freakn on fire with the knowledge I'm gaining and ready to explode!
I am looking for a few others to share with what is happening, to get on a mission to accomplish more in the next year than you have ever thought possible. Question is will you stand on the sidelines and watch it happen or will you get involved with me, and my team, as we take it to the masses....600 million people on Facebook...how many will be your new friend, business partner, customer. Who's life will you touch, that may be looking for you. And when you find them, how will you help them? What options do you currently have that will allow you to help them? I have some of those answers, and I'm ready to share them.
See you at the top.
Amazing Thursday!

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