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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » » » Day 58 and 59 Combined!

Holy crap...we missed Plyometrics, Tuesday morning, as I woke up to study for an exam instead of working out..and the day got today Channie and I did a double this evening! This mornings 5am workout was Plyometrics! WOOHOO!! Man I love the buckets of sweat that come from that was fun tormenting the wife after we were done...come on babe give me a hug! BWAHAHA!

Off to work after a Cream of Wheat breakfast!

What do you like to eat in the mornings? Is hot cereal your deal, or are you more of a yogurt and fruit or granola type of person?

Anyway...after a great day at work I came home and the wife and I knocked out Shoulders and Arms....talking about breaking ourselves off today. Finished off with a great P90X® Results and Recovery Formula shake and a small meal.

What did you accomplish with your day?

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