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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » » » » » Day 57 If you aren't gonna BRING IT, go take your butt back to bed!

Moving along at a nice clip...First day back after a rest week...and Chest and Back totally shredded Chandra and I. Our other 2 friends were all about it as fact after one of them finished...she went and joined another few friends for a round of Insanity....pure craziness I tell you...but when you are going to be in Puerto Rico in February, you do what it takes to have the swimming suit body!

I'm loving the results that I have had thus far, my strength has gone up tremendously, my posture while sitting at a desk has improved, no more sore back from flying in a helicopter, the list goes on and on. And not to mention...for some reason my wife likes to touch my biceps all the

On another Recovery Formula and Shakeology should be here tomorrow, and then the diet plan is really going to ramp up. Heading for Day 90 with full Steam, and you know 120 is going to be so awesome. Thanks Beachbody for getting me in the best shape of my life.

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