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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » #QOTD - The successful warrior is the average man, work laser-like focus. Let that one sink in for a minute. Have you also heard, "We are what we repeatedly do?" Our life is made up of compounded choices. Evaluate your last weeks choices, then your last month, then your past twelve months. You are a compound of those choices, were they laser focused, or have you been a chaotic mess and find yourself no closer to where you want to be. I don't claim to have it all together, I can not currently claim my last year was laser focused, I can not currently say I was a great leader and coach for my team and those I served. I do know that I want to surround myself with those who recognize their weaknesses and want to enhance them, and build upon their strengths. I do know that together we are better when marching toward our goals. Lets chat, do our goals align , can we work together?, can we help each other grow and gain the laser focus we are looking for? Share a #BHAG below.... In case you don't know what a BHAG is... Its a Big Hairy Audacious Goal... and together we can accomplish them together.

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