A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.
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» Whoa... We did this thing called MMA Max and ummm I am a sweaty mess, and my love @chandraburgan well she was not a fan of this workout. 👊 My #SpiritualPowerHalfHour of the day, on the principles of the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism. It had me thinking during the workout, mainly of the topic of faith. During our journey in finding better health we tend to doubt our faith and embrace our fears. This in time turns us away from our overall goals and sliding into despair. Question for you, are you stronger than your fears? If not who is your battle buddy to help you overcome? #BattleBuddyFitness #ericburganfitness #iwannahelpyou #FindYourStride
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