A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.
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» Love seeing success with at home workout programs. Check out Amber. ・・・ "Oops, I did it again" says Amber Brockwell. She had lost the weight years ago with @Beachbody programs, but after having another child, she gained it back and then some. When it came time to lose the weight again, she knew exactly where to go. She says "We were blessed with a beautiful daughter, and I had no doubt on where I needed to turn to get my body back in shape. I went immediately to Beachbody. This time I did 21 Day Fix and CIZE, and let me tell you that I wholeheartedly know I made the right decision. Within my first round, my energy sky rocketed, and I lost many, many inches. With trainers like Shaun T and Autumn, I know they have my back." #BeachbodyChallenge #Monthly1000 #daily500 #oopsIDidItAgain #SecondTimeTheCharm
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