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» » » » » Lose Weight Fast with P90X3

Beachbody Success Stories - More Success Stories from the Beachbody Challenge. This stories are so motivational! Want to create one of your own? Lets get started:

Katie was a new mom who was not happy with her body. She set a goal - fit back into her pre-pregnancy jeans before her son's first birthday. She found P90X3 and Shakeology, worked out for just 30 minutes a day, and got MAJOR results!! She lost 32 pounds, 21 inches from her body, all in just 30 minutes a day in 90 days! Read about her crazy results in her own words below:

Before I started P90X3 I was depressed about my body. I did not like to get ready and go places because I was ashamed and embarrassed about how bad I let my body go. My little boy was 9 months. I had no excuse to look the way I did. I did not want to sit around another summer hiding in big baggy clothes! I hated going shopping and doing the things I once enjoyed. I wanted to feel like myself again!

I was inspired to change first by my son. I wanted to be able to swim with him in the summer and not be afraid of what others would think of me. I saw someone post their results of their body after they had a baby. I knew that if they could do it, I could too. Since that day I never looked back.

The greatest challenge that I had before beginning the program was my confidence. I had zero confidence in myself. I hated my body and the way I looked in all of my clothing. I was also terrified that I would not be able to do the workouts. The first day I cried because I realized how far I had let myself go. P90X3 gave me my confidence back. Before I could not do a single push up, now I am doing them with no sweat! I feel confident in my clothes and I am finally excited to go shopping! Even bikini shopping!

I like that P90X3 is different everyday. I never got bored with the program and always looked forward to the workouts! I am smaller all over. My face is smaller and I look like myself again. I am proud that I am back in the size pants that I was while I was in high school!

I am a much happier person. My fiance sees my confidence coming back and he loves that! I am able to go out without worries and I feel happy and healthy overall.

Congratulations on an amazing transformation, Katie!! Enjoy the summer in your new bikinis!! :)

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