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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » On the First Day of Christmas Beachbody Gave to Me: P90X3 Results!

Beachbody Success Stories - More Success Stories from the Beachbody Challenge. This stories are so motivational! Want to create one of your own? Lets get started:

On the first day of P90Xmas, Beachbody gave to me.... Amazing results with P90X3!!

We know you guys are all so excited to get this program - and so are we!! And lucky for you today only, Beachbody is giving away a free kit! Check it out on Facebook to see how you can win a P90X3 kit of your own.

And to show you just how amazing 30 minutes of working out with Tony Horton can be, we needed to share this video of Kevin M. and his AWESOME transformation... hello six pack!

Go like the Beachbody Facebook page for your chance to win a free P90X3 kit! Check back every day for more transformations, giveaways & holiday cheer!!

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