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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » The First Ever Beachbody Challenge Inspiration Award

We've all heard of celebrities doing Beachbody programs of choice. Beyond their dedication to programs that get them in shape for movies, athletics and stage performances, every once in a while we hear a truly inspirational story from a celebrity using a Beachbody product.

That's why, for the first time ever, The Beachbody Challenge is giving away an Inspiration Award for someone who inspires us with the way or the reasons they use a Beachbody program. They will be awarded a $10,000 donation to a charity of their choice. This year the award goes to Stuart Scott.

Stuart Scott of ESPN

You might recognize him from ESPN, where you've seen him anchor Sports Desk as well as deliver NFL and NBA game commentary. Stuart has been battling cancer which has gone into remission and come back several times. He uses P90X to stay strong while he undergoes chemotherapy. We're so proud of Stuart for fighting the good fight and we send him our best wishes and prayers as he continues on his journey. Watch his video message below:

Stuart has chosen to send his donation to The V Foundation.

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