Well the past few days have been a stress test. Pushing the limits of endurance and focus, patience, and ability to get quality workouts in. Annual Training is in full swing for those who don't know what that is, its the 2 weeks during the summer that national guard members must do. You won't here me complaining as I am a pilot within the guard.
What I am finding is that with a busy schedule if you plan it out you cann get in a great workout. It may more be as long as your may like but sometimes the quality that you put in during that shorter workout makes such a difference. As I have endured too get a run in, or a quick insanity workout in, I have released the stress that builds, my energy level stays high, and the quality of my work, alertness in the cockpit, and the ability too put rounds on target stays at a high level.
So when you find yourself busy, plan the day out, get your workout in and keep yourself focused, flying, and fit.
Flying, Fitness and Focus
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Put your endurance to test with various exercise regimen.