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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » » » » I know its been awhile!

Hey ya'all....Hope things are good for you all.

The Burgans have been under the weather but we are bouncing back....I was down all day yesterday...and Channie was down all day today. I still got bold and went out and did my Day 45 Back and Bicep P90X workout....gotta get strong! P90X Yoga tomorrow morning! Love that workout!

Anyway...I hope this little blurb finds you well.

I have been tracking my workouts through WOWY (Work Out With You) its a great little system and not to mention the opportunity to become a paid coach through beachbody is huge! Check out my link....we'll talk later.

or for the best meal of the day try a little Shakeology

Talk at you in a day or two.

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