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» » » » » » » The Dreaded Inbox....Get Your Email Under Control

Are You Making this #1 Email Mistake?

Okay...I'll admit I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with my inbox...and my facebook messages I felt that what I learned today was perhaps just for me...but perhaps it may benefit you as well.

Doesn't it seem Email never stops?  Some days, it can seem like ALL we do is answer emails!  It’s easy to become overwhelmed because many times we just don’t know what to do with the emails, so they sit and fester in the inbox.

The biggest mistake people make with emails is they don’t convert their action emails into tasks.

Stop treating your inbox like your to-do list!  First, it’s much easier to create a task – with appropriate deadlines and reminders – so that you can be sure you’ll get the action done.  Second, it’s very difficult to even KEEP your inbox as a to-do list.  If you have 3000 emails in your inbox, are you saying you have 3000 to-dos?  This is overwhelming so what do we do – we ignore them all!

Want to know what to do with EVERY email in your inbox?  Simply apply the 4D’s:

The 4D’s are:
  1. Do it:  If replying to an email will take less than 2 minutes, then do it now!
  2. Delete it:  If you’re 99% sure you don’t need it, delete it!
  3. Delegate it:  Who is the one really responsible?
  4. Designate it:  Create the task, or add to your calendar – designate the time to complete it!
Email doesn’t have to be the bane of your existence.  If you treat it like the tool it is, email can actually HELP you be more productive!

I hope this helps...I know it has just opened up my eyes...after reading about the 4D's I'm already tracking on a road to success with my inbox.

To your inbox health. :)

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