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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » » » Why We Sponsor - Going beyond the numbers

It's always exciting for me to think about the new faces we bring into Coaching each and every day.

While I know that it's easy for us to get caught up in the numbers--which targets we can reach, etc.--I'd like for each of us to dig a little deeper into our thinking and approaches for what we're really trying to accomplish ... beyond the numbers.

The whole reason for us to feel excited about adding new Coaches is because we know the impact Coaching has on these lives over a lifetime.  What it's really all about is the individual experiences that we provide to a person or a new leader--at every step and every turn.

From the day they join Coaching--to their first workout, home party, sharing opportunity, fit club, or sponsoring of a new coach--the experiences we provide need to live up to our promise when we first sponsored them.  Those events should validate that stunningly brilliant decision our people and their people made to get involved in a program that will indeed change their lives for the better.

We need to be intentional about the notion that we accomplish this one life at a the millions.  Its up to us to deliver on our pledge that joining the Team Beachbody community ultimately benefits not only the new coach and the sponsor but also our community, our nations and the world.

That's how we make new coaches successful, and prepared, fit, and excited about the team they joined.

I know we can get caught up in the grandness of the numbers.  We can lose sight of the fact that it's an individual life, an individual that we are mentoring. 
Every time we extend an invitation, lead a home party, a fit club, a sharing opportunity, we need to remember how we can change lives for the better every step of the way.

That ought to inform and guide all our decisions about what we're doing to attract more people and leaders to join our adventures, our goals, our vision into the Coaching community.  Its in our nature to do all we can to make our coaches, our teams,  and our crews bigger and stronger.

Let's not lose sight of why we do it.

Your Friend, and Coach
-Eric Burgan

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