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A site by Eric Burgan, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Powered by Blogger.



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» » » » » » » Goals - 2011

I want to start 2011 off right by setting realistic goals for myself, my business, and my teams focus...and put them in writing to see everyday. Visualizing my goals helps me to stay committed and hopefully achieve success.

I must admit I have many goals I want to accomplish this year with family life, income, fitness, nutrition, time management, business, relationships, and self-improvement.

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
Larry Bird

Below are a few that I think are key:

1) Fitness goals:
• Complete a 2nd round of P90X with P90X+ (round 2 starts in less than 2 weeks). and my wife has committed to finishing P90X with me in addition to starting Brazil Butt Lift yesterday for an evening workout. I have had amazing success with P90X but it is time to take it up another notch and ensure my diet is more strict to achieve complete success Finding fitness programs that motivate me and my wife through effective results and interest is powerful, the opportunity to share that is explosive!
• Add another program - Insanity, perhaps Turbo Fire, P90X One on One
• Recruit additional people to get involved to keep me accountable and have fun.
• Exercise 6 days a week to reduce my stress, improve my mood and stay fit.
2) Nutrition:
• Follow meal plans included in workouts to ensure max performance, and also results
• I've been lacking on drinking enough water throughout the day, so increasing my water intake is a must, consuming at least 64 ounces. (Keep Yellow Mug FULL)
Shakeology once a energy levels in all aspects have improved, and I expect that my overall health will continue to increase.
3) Time Management:
• Write daily to-do lists and PRIORITIZE.
Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge with Exactness
• Map out my week's plans, Sunday night is planning night.
• Set time limits on tasks and stick to them.

4) Primerica & Beachbody Coaching:
• I will continue to personally share my success, and aptitude to focus on accomplishing my goals - I can do this through:

  1. in person opportunities
  2. KTs and Appointments Through the Week
  3. Primerica Meetups
  7. blogging regularly on FitbyBurgan
  8. Journaling my Goals Daily
• Continue to build Burgan Team Freedom within Primerica, and take an RVP contract in
• Continue building my Independent Team Beachbody Coach team, it has been so rewarding for me. The team that has developed over the past few weeks, and months are a team of greatness. They will continue to grow and develop, and I commit to helping each one individually accomplish there goals. I love helping people, the minimal risk involved has allowed many to excel and become something they could have never imagined. I commit to motivate and inspire others, as I truly believe to get what you ultimately want you must push up others to get there.
• I commit to my own health and fitness goals, through working through P90X, Insanity, and other new options. I will in turn learn many new things about myself.

5) Relationships:
• Spend quality time nurturing my personal relationship with my gorgeously hot wife, and 2 beautiful children
• Spend time growing business relationships, but never let it become a deterrent from my family.
• Prioritize my time with family, friends and successful mentors.
• Surround myself with positive people.
• Protect myself from the negative and strive for a positive attitude and energy by staying clear of negativity.

6) Self-Improvement: Life is not only about finding yourself, it's about CREATING yourself!
• Attend weekly Church Services, and attend to callings in an expedient manner.
• Embrace change and opportunities.
• Smile, say hello, and acknowledge those around me, ever expanding my sphere of influence.
• Read a book or more a month for the year 2011.

These are my goals to get started for 2011, feel free to take them and make them yours. I know that he or she who disciplines themselves and keeps going will gain the ultimate rewards of success! I stand ready to commit to the above goals, to stay focused and intent and the rewards that will come. I will accept no excuses, and I will succeed!

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